Our Daily Schedule

9:00am Children arrive at school

Free choice of play activities, either indoors or outdoors. Age appropriate children are responsible for unpacking backpacks before starting the day.

9:00-10:00am One-on-One Learning and Center Play

Children will work one-on-one with their teacher during this time focusing on their individualized folders. While these children are working, the other children will be guided to play in a center of their choice.

10:00am Clean-Up Time and Circle Time

Children will work together to help each other clean up our morning free play centers. Following clean-up time, we will have a group circle time. Circle time activities include singing songs, reading books, finger plays, movement activities and discussions on our daily activities. Following circle time, children will use the restroom and wash their hands in preparation for snack time.

10:30am Snack Time

Children will be provided a healthy snack with a fresh fruit and typically a Non-GMO snack. Snack time is a great learning experience for young children where we can focus on manners, independence skills and social skills.

11:00am Outside Time or Indoor Large Body Movement Activities

Children will have the opportunity to get all of their wiggles out either outside in our play area or in our indoor gross motor skills room. When the weather is not cooperating, we will utilize our large spaces within the church for fun activities to keep our bodies moving!

11:30am One-on-One Learning and Center Play

Children will work on their individualized folders again with their teachers while the other children choose centers to play in until it is their turn to learn.

12:00pm Clean-Up Time and Lunch / Dismissal for 12:00 pick-up

Children will work together to clean up our play centers. Following clean-up, children will use the restroom and wash hands in preparation for lunch time.

12:00-1:00 Lunch Time

Children will bring a nutritious lunch from home and will always be provided water to drink. Lunch time is a great time to focus on manners, eating healthy and enjoying fun discussions about our day!

1:00-2:00 One-on-One Learning and Center Play/Gross Motor Activities

Children will continue to work with their teachers on their individualized folders while other children will choose centers to play in until it is their turn to learn. Morning children will be guided to complete their morning activities (art projects, school work, creative play activities, etc.) Some days we may head outside for a few minutes of exercise and play!

2:00 Pick-up

Extended day options are available.

We also offer Kindergarten enrichment programs.

Summer enrichment programs for K through third grade -- available starting summer 2022